new york feels less like a city and more like a metaphoric mapping of the world that you can inhabit. it seems that you brush shoulders with people from every part of the earth here. almost everything imaginable can be found here except for museums of holography, which seem to have closed recently due to the economic recession. visiting here has been a mirror for me to evaluate my ambitions and desires. by navigating the city you confront your fears and your wildest dreams. and sometimes just come to the conclusion that you want to be home without all the commotion. for the first time in my life the world isn't too big to know, but i know that it is too big to know. the former being infinite and unexplainable, the second being finite and unexplainable. it's like knowing that you're in a big never-ending one act play. but everyone and everything you've ever known, including yourself is acting in it. and you can't get out.
i've reached the end of my trajectory. tomorrow i'm going to baltimore.